Friday, September 30, 2011

B(zz)-egging for SodaStream!

I'm a BzzAgent and today's Daily Bzz is for a chance to try a Sodastream Fountain Jet Soda Maker Starter Kit!

I think I've been foaming at the mouth all week to enter for my chance to get in on this campaign.

I have had my eye on this product since earlier this year when I first heard about it. I would love the chance to try out Soda Stream, we are almost to the time of year our house seems to become "party central" between the kids sports get togethers and hosting all sorts of holiday parties with family and friends. I'd love to be a bzz with family and friends at the parties over Soda Stream.

Turn tap water into a sparkling beverage? And after checking out their website and seeing they have diet pink grapefruit.... *swoon* I think I am in LOVE! BzzAgent, help me ditch the boring tap water and plain soda for some fun new flavors at our house! I'm Bzz-egging you!!

If your not a member of BzzAgent, check it out. Its the best place to be... and FUN!